Because of our years of carpet cleaning experience, there isn’t much our experts haven’t taken out of a carpet. We take great pride in offering our clients the very latest cleaning methods. We keep “on top” of our industry through daily interaction with the very best carpet and hard surface cleaners around the country. Our involvement in online trade bulletin boards, technical seminars, conventions, and trade journals helps ensure your home or business will receive the very best cleaning possible. Carpet 911 – Nampa & Boise Carpet Cleaning & Repair provides a carpet cleaning surface that far exceeds your expectations. We do this by using three components for maximum results: Time, Technique, and Equipment. While most carpet cleaners are in a hurry to get it done, Carpet 911 – Nampa & Boise Carpet Cleaning & Repair gives your carpet the time and attention needed for deep, thorough soil extraction. Our skilled technicians are experts at removing the most soil and moisture with our premium carpet cleaning tools and professional truck-mounted equipment. Our impeccable reputation for providing the most thorough cleaning with the fastest drying times is what makes our services top-notch in results and reliability.
Contact us at (208) 890-7467 for a FREE quote on your carpet cleaning in Boise and surrounding areas.